Is a clickable cockpit possible?

My opinion...

Microsoft Flight Simulator is not realistic enough for me. Try spinning a C-172 or for that matter a C-152 if you have it, and you'll have to force it to remain in the spin... recovery technique: let go of the stick... The fact that FSX is so overwhelmingly excessive in all respects to graphics, that I can run FS9 in better graphics, is the sole reason I still have/use FS9 from time to time.

Now, as for IL-2 and clickable cockpits I'd have to say NO NO NO NO NO.

I want my controls to be familiar to me (with 300+ planes that's no easy task) and available physically to press, not this bull with moving a mouse around.... as if the keyboard isn't enough of an immersion killer as it is... I want proper handles!

I've got an X-52, got ALL the buttons I need programmed and then some, got sliders and trimwheels all around, so it's mainly HOTAS for me, along with the TrackIR. So in my humble opinion: to make clickable cockpits for IL-2 or any combat simulation is to make rookie pilots kill themselves while looking for a button with a mouse, instead of glancing on the keyboard; for instance: ah there's "G" let's get the gear down now instead of the hmm, where's that handle oh I see ther... SMASH!

If you spend the money on the X-52 or product in that quality range, you won't regret it. My X-52 has served me for 2

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