Mapping textures to meshes - Need help!

I've got a bit of a question about the way the game uses a skin to cover different components of a model.

I've been changing the prop of my I-16(multi1) to have a type with the spinner removed. There seemed to be a significant number of I-16's around with this arrangement, and I though it would spice things up a bit visually.

The problem I've got is i don't know how to change what part of the skin the new propellor uses (it's the Ki-27 one). Instead of using a bit of the top right of a standard Rata skin, this prop will use a section of the nose area as its texture. Cry

I was wondering if any of the resident geniuses know how I might be able to change the area that the new prop is using. Any insights will be very gratefully recieved. :wink:

[Image: grab0001-11.jpg]

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