1946 with AI of 3.04

I have this " STD " folder in my mods folder which i don't remeber how i got it but this "STD" folder have subfolders "com" and "i18" so I opened this "com" subfolder , then next inside is "maddox" subfolder , after opening "maddox" subfolder there is "il2" subfolder , after opening "il2" subfolder there is an "object" subfolder" .
Now I unzipped the 3.04 AI mod in to " My documents " new created empty folder and opened this mod all the way up to "ai" folder and copy and pasted this "ai" subfolder next to my "object " subfolder folder which is inside my "STD" folder.
I tried AI and they'are not making those never ending rollovers any more at least what I can tell so maybe my game is now reading this 3.04 ai mod out of this "STD" folder now , that I copied and pasted this 3.04 mod only "ai" subfolder next to my "object" subfolder .
I know , what a messed up explanation :lol:
Needs more testing but I don't see that erratic behaviour that much in AI after trying this AI 3.04 mod.
PS: can anyone tell me how this "STD" folder got inside my mods , what mod install did put it there ?
it's a part of sound mod 0.93 ? or perhaps part of AC installer mod ?

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