COMING SOON! English Channel 1940 Final Release

Lejo Wrote:Another thing I noticed: the representation of Holland/the Low Countries is historically incorrect. Those straight and large organized fields are definately post WWII. Before and during the war there were much more farmhouses with less area for agriculture per farmer and from above it looked like a patchwork of smaller fields. Right after WWII Dutch Government decided-for economical progression- to increase agricultural production by mechanisation and therefore it was much more efficient to have those straight rectangular fields which are much easier accessible for those big machines.

Just take a look at this 1943 RAF photo from the Netherlands:

[Image: Land.jpg]

I disagree. Have a look at this:

[Image: keef9rg5.jpg]

RAF operational bombing altitude was around 23,000ft. Not sure about those Forts but if it's similar those strip fields are very long. They're cut out of shot lower left but I'm assuming the damaged areas lower right are fields which give an idea of scale.

I should have posted this earlier but here's my inland Dutch texture (similar to your b + w shot). The strip farming seems to happen closer to the coast.

[Image: spit222ew6.jpg]

I should also mention that my shots are NOT Cannon's new map. They're generally one texture tiled to show the effect of that texture. This includes London etc....I've not seen Cannon's new map either!

S! Comp

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