22.10.2008, 10:39
...I'm looking at my 1946 game folder,after a more or less complete install which works great...but I do have a question or two involving duplicate folders.First i seem yo have two 'file folders " one outside & one inside the Mods...bothe seem to have basically the same folders within...can I get rid of one? If I go thru all the folders I seem to have a few i18n folders sprinkled around in vrious places as well ...ditto GUI folders. I've screwed around with these before ,usually to the detrement of game performance & function...soooooo ...before I play around again I thought I'd ask...
Its a little like Brit Sports car wiring in my Morgan ...even tho it loks messy , if it works ,don't mess around with it!
Its a little like Brit Sports car wiring in my Morgan ...even tho it loks messy , if it works ,don't mess around with it!