[MOD] Ship Pack 2 Download

_-JARMOPOWER-_ Wrote:Are you sure you copy-pasted 3d and other files to right folder?

Where in the readme below does it say anything about where 3d files go?

1. Remove ShipPack1 if you were using it.

2. Copy ShipPack folder into your game Mods folder.

3. Check content of STD folder and compare it with the same folder in your game install.

4. If you don't use any of the files from STD folder ( That's highly unlikely) just copy STD folder into your Mods folder. If you don't use already some of the files from ShipPack STD folder than copy these files to same place in your Il2 Mods folder.

5. If you are already using some of the files from STD folder than you need to add ShipPack entries to these files. To do so go to AddToIni folder where you will find following files.
-Ships.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Ships.ini
-Technics.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Technics.ini
-Chief.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Chief.ini
-Stationary.ini.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/com/Stationary

-Technics.properties.txt -- copy content to the end of Il2/Mods/STD/i18n/Technics.properties

6. Start game and if you installed it correctly you will have additional ships in game.
7. If you get into trouble and no matter what you do you can't get these new ships to show in the game than don't panic. Don't call 911, they can't help you. What you need is hammer. You can use it on PC or on your head, that's the matter of personal preferences.

If that don't solve your problem you can ask for help in AAA forum.

8. If everything works than you are advanced and experienced user and you can try to make your ships. There are five open slots for new ships ( Ship0, Ship1, Ship2, Ship3, Ship4 )use it or lose it.

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