Does the prder of objects in Static.ini matter?


Great! Glad it worked.


I don't have FMB Map Editor mode - just plain old FMB.

Looking at your, or rather Porsimo's, subject classifications, I see they are alphabetized. Mine are more organic and, since I'm a fair-weather flier, all the winter stuff is in the middle of the list, although clumped together roughly in the same order as the other stuff above it. If you go through my list you'll see what I mean.

Something I should tell all of you:

If you use my static.ini and put the humans in, there are triggers to the humans at various heights. This lets you put an object down and use the up arrow key to get to a human that is at the right altitude for that object. Once you've placed the human, you just point to the object you put down before the human, click on it, and continue scrolling through the objects at the top of the list.

An example: Go to the Control Towers section and place a control tower on the ground. Go to 3d mode and use the up arrow key to scroll through the towers. You'll come to a human that will be at the height to stand on a platform of that tower. Hit 'Insert' and another human appears. hit 'Delete' to delete the last human you put down and now you're at the bottom of the list and can get to all the humans that are there. When you've finished populating the tower, insert one last human, move it nearest the centre of the tower and hit 'Delete' to get back to that part of the list that is the control towers.

Great days all.

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