Help with random trees

Hello all,
I am currently have a go at making a map of the german-Czec border region, an area including Praha,Pizen,Dresden all the way west to jena and north to Cottbus. LOL I know its a big undertaking for one person and might take me a while to do.
Up until now I've not been to bothered about Randon tree spawning, as the maps I've done so far have been small test projects to get used to map building. Before I have used the _fields in the textures to stop this for happening, but i have not been able to stop Random Tree Spawning along the river bank.
Now that i have got to the point of placing the citys on the map i'm not happy to leave it as it looks odd along industrial sections of the river and a bit out of scale with the city textures that im using.
I'm guessing that there is a different texture that is used for the banks of the river but i cant seem to find it.
If anyone can help explain whats happening here it would be most helpful... :-?

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