New Graphics card.

Junkers, 1GB video memory for the 9500GT is just pointless, I think the card has only 128-bit memory bandwidth and at most you'll need 512MB of video memory on this card. I'd suggest a 9600GT 512mb if you can afford it.

I'll use use the thread to ask a question - has anyone tried running Il-2 with ATI's new HD4670? I really need an update to run the game smoothly, but this is pretty much the only VGA that I can afford at the moment. Would it be able to run the game with decent framerates at 1280x1024 w/16AF and some AA (IMHO AA greatly improves Il-2). Currently I have an old Athlon 3500+ CPU, but I hope I'll upgrade to some cheap mid-range Phenom, so bottleneck should be a problem (only temporarily).

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