[MOD]Tracer Colors Mod

*-THIS DOES NOT CHANGE WM, ONLY THE COLORS OF THE TRACERS... so it's a perfectly legal mod...*

Hi all, I made this probably 6 months ago, I just thought I'd share this little mod to change the colors of the tracers in-game. It only changes the colors up-close, as shown in the screenshots. i think the faraway colors are coded into the weapons, and so can't be changed. However, it also changes the colors of the nav lights, but if you don't mind this, I think you'll like the mod.

Red .30 and .50 cals to yellow:
[Image: redorig.jpg]

New (arrows show distance effect):
[Image: rednewyellow.jpg]

Changed blue and green to less "laser-like" colors

[Image: greenorig.jpg]
[Image: greennew1.jpg]

[Image: blueorig.jpg]

[Image: bluenew1.jpg]

It also changes most of the other colors (purple, pink, cyan, etc. to just plain yellow.
If you don't want a certain color, all you have to do is delete or edit the relevant .tga file (it's pretty self-explanatory- red tracers= red.tga, etc.)

Installation: just extract and copy to your MODS folder



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