x52 usable clutch button registry fix

A bit of an update.

Thankyou Fincuan, i hadn't tried the newest SST update, it is more functional than the one I had. The registry fix doesn't work properly with the newest release - it swaps the reset and clutch buttons, but the clutch button doesn't work properly afterwards. But as finucan says the clutch function can be disabled - in the SST control panel under the MFD tab, untick the 'enable clutch mode'.

The update also changes the way the mouse scroll wheel works, although it still seems to 'freak out' sometimes - and either reports many inputs, or resets the x52, which means if the stick isn't centered it throws the calibration off... i read somewhere if you press the pinkie switch while using the scroll wheel it works properly, i've just given up on using it for now.

I'll update this thread if i find out anything useful, if you can make sense of my ramblings :roll: feel free to do the same.

Pirate Smile

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