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[MOD] AI Mod V.17 *UPDATE*

Last night I led four P47's against four Ki61's. As it turned out, I got shot down very quickly (along with two others of my flight) and I got up from the screen and went about other business for a while. After ten or fifteen minutes I came back and found the combat still raging. The remaining P47 was spiralling up to high altitude to escape the 61's chasing close behind.

This isn't how air combat works. In general, dogfighting aircraft tend to lose altitude as their aircrafts energy is used up, and the P47 in particular was known to have excellent dive characteristics, a method employed by its pilots to escape harm.

I suspect this fault was present in the default game as fighters seek higher altitude as an advantage, but somehow it now seems more emphasised. Is there any chance of reducing this urge to climb?
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