Mod Request: Ambiant Sounds in Il-2 1946 AND Music Integrati

Its an already available game feature, there are different types of music settings in the sound setup.

For example if you enable Hardware setup/Sound setup/Music/Play takeoff tracks switch then you'll hear C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\samples\Music\Airbase1.wav

You also got folders for Intro, Menu, Crash and Inflight tracks, but I only got takeoff tracks enabled so I dont know how well they work but I would assume if you got everything enabled (using large files) than thats a bit of an impact on your system.

There are plenty of sound files available online:

Here are chatter packs for the inflight music:

Go to ... ers/Music/
for a large selection of ww2 themed music.


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