What CAN and CANNOT be changed for CRT=2 to still work?

Good question ... Having mods listed as "compatible" with CRT=2 settings would be helpful. Whether there needs to be a master list or not is up to AAA admins I guess (though it would be very useful for online event coordinators and server operators/hosts).

Whether a mod is -or is not- compatible with CRT=2 security could be displayed in each released mods' title thread by a simple means ... "+" for compatible, "-" for not compatible. For example, it's been proven to me that the QMB Plus mod is not compatible with CRT=2 security settings (for whatever reason, but it bugs me). Editing the QMB PLus thread to something like "[MOD-] QMBPlus 1.1" would provide the necessary indication as to whether it's compatible.

Slightly off topic... (and I haven't yet browsed/searched to see if the following is being done here) ... are there plans to create a utility to allow switching on/off mods through a graphical user interface, including a single "Stock UI 1.1" button that will deactivate all non-stock UI 1.1 mods? I know a few folks interested in mods use are looking at various different ideas to accomplish this. Everything from copying in/out entire MODS and FILES folders; renaming multiple copies of the files/MODS folders; or creating user profiles that will enable or disable individual mods.

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