Black Out

I think you are making a mistake if you believe that the actual model is completely wrong.

G-Lock is a curiosus effect and is not uniform to all individuals. It depends on very sutile things, such as how well did you sleep last nignt, if you have drank alcohool recently, if you are catching the flu and have the first sinthoms, what your corporal mass is, how your diggestion is going, how often you are exposed to Gs, and how athelitc you are.

This causes that G-lock can come on some individuals at low as 4 Gs (iL-2) and for some others an instant 14 Gs is perfectly tolerable and asking for more.

G-locks can come suddenly and not showing the gray-out and narrow field of vision named before.

Nevertheless I do agree on several statements named above, and I might sugest others:

1) 4 Gs (iL-2) is not the correct tolerance for the average skinny 20-year old carefully selected pilots of WW2. My sugestion would be more in the 7 Gs range and at least 9 instant

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