30.03.2009, 09:12
Wilhelm Heidkamp Wrote:agracier Wrote:I'm not certain that the AI mod is causing mountain crashes either, it is probably inherent in the game itself.
But I do believe that most members when commenting on mountain crashes, do not mean when landing or taking off. I often see crashes that appear to be unnecessary, when for instance I am following a plane or a flight, and with only minimal pulling back on the joystick, I easily avoid the mountain side or hill and the other AI controlled planes ahead or behind me, keep on flying level and smack right into a mountainside.
This is at odds with other maneuvers AI controlled planes make at times, often quite abrupt, with huge altitude changes or zig-zagging all over the place during a dogfight or when dive-bombing or whatever. Sometimes the AI controlled maneuvers take my breath away at the audacity, at other times I shake my head and wonder if the AI pilot is not asleep in cyberspace or lost in a reverie.
The mystery is therefore why AI controlled planes so often crash into sides for no apparent reason.
Like I said, I doubt very much this mod causes it at all. It is probably part of the game coding or whatever the terminology is referring to core concepts.
But it would be wonderful if this mod could address this mountainside crashing in some manner or another. Cert has already performed a miracle or two in making this mod ... maybe he has another up his sleeve?
Agree. +1
Just giving you my experience:
Before the last version of the mod, I often performed off line dogfights on the Slovakia maps...at several occasions my AI opponent (as or at least veteran level) crashed into mountains after some minutes of fight and mainly when it was more or less hit by some of my fires.........this Slovakia map additonaly to a very nice design is excellent for fighting at low altitude!!!
Yesterday evening fighting in a H75 A-3 against a Bf-109 E1 the AI plane never crashed in the mountain!!! fighting goes for at least 30 minutes...I followed up in a close aerial combat with a lot of figures and the AI finally get away with a smoking engine!! ...we fighted at very low altitude in the hills and valley during a long time.....
I am convinced that this mod gives to AI a real new FM and "human" attitude!! 8)
Thanks a lot to Certificate!! :wink: