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For Maus and your buttons files...

From what I understand about what Mags says, if you start off with the right buttons file for your setup...

And new slot mods are submitted to Mr Jolly...

The resulting official AAA mod will have its own A/C Installer, which will write the new information into your existing buttons file. No conflict, no probs.

Here is the thing to remember...

When you *choose* to download new slot aircraft from the Beta Mods section you are *not* downloading an official AAA mod.
What you are downloading is an unofficial beta test for a future AAA mod. It is only really there for test purposes, to discover conflicts and bugs.

It was truly exceptional for Muas to go far out of his way to provide a whole series of buttons files for beta testers. But none of his mods have been officially released, he was just bending over backwards because he's a nice feller.

There is no need for Muas to make forty-five thousand buttons files. After beta testing of his mods has run their due course, final modifications will be made and AAA releases will appear (I assume), and these will always contain the A/C installer that solves all your buttons woes, no matter who you are, no matter what you've got.

See buttons file conflicts don't really have anything to do with reporting a mod bug to Muas.

Please join me in a warm thank you to Muas, Karaya, and canonuk on this basis for all the extra work they've put in, well beyond the call of duty.

(moderators please edit any area in which I have erred, but this is my understanding of site policy)
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