New Bf 109 Modells and Freddys cockpit ?!?

Some other users post this and for me it works fine !

Finally i have found a solution that might work with those who have a clean UI 1.1.1 as my case:

1. Re-install Freddys cockpits mod

2. Re install New 109Fs mod BUT DONT MOVE ANYTHING OF Cockpits directories, no need of them, just move aircraft directories>>>(at this point u will have wrong armorglass on F2 and no flyable F4)

3. Go to the MODS/Cockpits Bf109 Mod/3do/Cockpit/Bf-109F-2/ folder, find the file named hier and make a copy of it; rename the copy as f4pit, overwrite if exists.

4. Edit f4pit with notepad and find the section [Z_ArmorGlass1] and delete the word Hidden:

Mesh Z_ArmorGlass1
Parent _ROOT_

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