Problem with the XIV solved I think.

After installing the new Spitfire Mk14c & Mk14e the 1946 Sturmovik crashes. I thought I had all the prerequirements installed for this addition. I was disappointed when the programme crashed although the Spitfire Mk14s seemed to have installed correctly with the files seemingly in the correct places. Went throught the whole process of reinstalling AAA requirements, Mod Activatore,etc, etc and then reinstalled the additional sound requirements. Found that my programme had resorted to its basic format, no AAA modifications. Reinstalled the whole lot again but still no joy with Spit Mk14s. The only thing that appeared to be an error was in the "air" file in the MODS which showed the Spit Mk14s to be "DESERT" and not "SUMMER". Whether or not this was to make any difference I was`nt sure but changed it to "SUMMER" anyway, still no joy. Have installed some of the other latest mod a/c such as Typhoon, Sabre Magister and SeaFury without any mishaps. I remain frustrated over the Spit Mk14s. Has anybody any ideas? Have a good gaming PC with plenty of RAM, Hardrive and an excellent video and sound card.

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