[Map] HRt_canarias7

I have been for hours now checking, remaiking, trying, touching here an there, and have come to a conclussion: the bugs you have encountered are mostly AI model plus mountains. I'll try to explain myself,

it is at landing that AI flying model has a generalized problem, it "has to turn left" and if there is a mountain it does not care. That way one out of the two runway directions is useless - as cracken repported -

there are four possibilities left: doing nothing at all (not a choice), to blow up and bring to gravel the mountains (not nice), to move airfields tens of kilometers up to a flat area (nor realistic if possible) and, finally, to avoid AI to use the wrong runway end (unfortunately for both, landing and take off), and that has been the selected solution.

I must yet say that "los Rodeos airfield" northern edge must be in the limit for some AI programming decission, some AI planes are able to land - very few - and most aren't, even after having tried almost every possible change, including changing somehow the sorrounding field.

A new version is being finalized and will be available almost rightaway. Airfirlds that will have some restriction for AI will be left as follows:
[Image: aerodromos.png]

Aeropuerto La Palma: landing from north to south, takeoff the other way around.

Aeropuerto Los Cangrejos: landing from west to east, takeoff the other way around.

Aeropuerto de La Gomera: landing from east to west, takeoff the other way around.

Aeropuerto Los Rodeos: landing from east to west, takeoff the other way around. I will further investigate, later on, the strange phenomenum at this airfield.

This is not the kind of solution I like, nor the one I had in mind, but three out of the four airfields are 100% charaterized by sorroundung mountains.

Has anyone had a simillar problem before that can help us to better understand this and, eventually to solve it.

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