[Download] German Base 2.0

JG7_X_Man Wrote:OK how do I use this in my maps?

Aha ... there's a trick that sometimes works o you can use this in other maps too.

Make a copy of a favorite .mis file and ppen that mis file with a texteditor. One of the first lines you will encounter is the following:

MAP SandsOfTime/load.ini

If you change the name of the map into the name of a map you already have installed, such as for instance:

MAP Italy_DF/load.ini

You should be able to open this mission in another map. You will have to reposition the objects, but that is often worth the trouble, as it takes far less time than it would to build such an intricate base.

So in this case, make a copy of the downloaded .mis file posted here, and edit it to the name of your preferred map. There might be limitations to this, but it usually works OK ... and be sure to write the correct name of the new map.

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