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Fusek Wrote:Don't you guys get it?

There is no 'ANTI' or 'PRO', just IL2 Sturmovik.

TD will develop the game in a deeper way, with changes to game code (like radar, mission triggers, etc). For those kinds of changes, you need help from Oleg. The modders fill in the gaps. This is not a Red vs. Blue thing, we're in this together.

If you don't like 4.09, it's the same as with a mod; Don't use it. Bashing a FREE patch, that is very professionally put together, and took people a lot of their time and adds VERY nice and unique content is very ungrateful and childish.

moral of my rant; Continue to look the given horse in the mouth, and have fun pulling your own plough.

rant over

Could not have said it better. As for me, I will wait for AAA to sort things. Taking nothing away from SAS, which has some cool Mods in there own right but here I have always loved the fact that you dont have to do mutiple inputs and changes to make it work. Here in AAA, when it is out, you download/Install and carry on, that is why I will wait patiently for the powers to be, to sort it out. Keep up the good work and peps be patient :wink:

~S~ Reap (AAA Member Since Day One)
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