stream lining mods folder

I just disabled my MapMods folder and it did not change the load time at all on my game.It loads at the same amount of time with no maps as it does with a lot of maps.
The maps do not actually load when the game first fires up,this is why when a mission loads you must wait for the game to load the map and everything on it as well as what is in the mission.

you can not delete aircraft from your mods folder as far as I can tell,it will make your game crash at 60%

all the mods are needed if the cr2= thing is enabled by the server otherwise you will not be able to join there server because your files are different than the servers files then.

So IMHO all you can delete from your MODS folder are FX Mods for eye candy,such as curving smoke trail,tracers,grounddust,cockpits ete

It is all trial and error by disabling a mod and trying to join online,FX mods could be activated and deactivated useing Jonesoft mod enabler.


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