Who says that 1.2 & 4.09m will not work?

I just switched to 4.08.. (Dont know if that was necessary or not) and I installed 4.09m to a seperate folder on my desktop. Then I took the SFS & exe files from 4.09m on my desktop and dropped them into my 4.09 Mods OFF (Original) folder that is located in :C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\_Game Switchers. That enabled me to get to the stock 4.09m with no mods from hitting 4.09b1 Standard on my switcher. Then I took the files from :C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\_Game Switchers\4.09 Mods 6DOF ON and dropped them into the C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\_Game Switchers\4.09 Mods ON (NO 6DOF) folder.. That enabled me to switch to 4.09b1mM by hitting 4.09b1 Mod on my switcher. Then lastly I took the SFS files from the folder on my desktop that I installed 4.09m into and dropped it into the folder C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\_Game Switchers\4.09 Mods 6DOF ON and I then took the 4,09 files and copied them into my main 46 folder. I ionstalled the UI 1.2 over this and so far everything seems to work fine except that I get Russioa text only in the rank drop down menu in a campaign. But the mission brief etc is in English..

When I hit 4.09b1 Standard on my switcher I get stock 4.09m. When I hit 4.09b1 Mod I get 4.09b1 w 6DoF, and when I hit 4.09b1 Mod w 6DoF I get 4.09mM w 6DoF. I elimin ated the option all together for any version without 6DoF since I have TIR and will never use anything w/O 6Dof..

Eventually I will eliminate the 4.09b1mM option as things settle down and probably wind up with a 4.09m/4.09mM until the next patch comes out. But so far everything works fine.

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