01.11.2009, 09:23
Sneeke Wrote:I dont think that this tests results are correct, simply try to get 1300km/h|10000m on Sabre.As with IL2C from the start, it has never been 100% accurate, as per Oleg himself. Espically at the frindge values, but, it tends to be pretty close. And note those are TAS values not IAS
Sneeke Wrote:Also climb values for MiG approximately correct, as i tested it, see chart below.Do you have the track file from that test? If so can you post it? If not I can do the test myself, but to make it match yours I would have to know the best climb speed you used during the test.
Also my russian is not so good, can you tell me what the two lines represent? Is one full throttle and the other is?
Also note this is a time to climb chart, not a rate of climb chart, we can take the dx/dt of this chart to get the average rate of climbs, but it would really be nice to find an actual rate of climb per altitude chart.