Kyushu V1.0 - DL Now - Bumph textures update 7/03/10



I'm dealing with 10 textures in the same time in order to have the most texturing diversity as possible. In reason of the HUGE surface of this map it'll take more time as my method requires to put texture by texture in each place of the island...very very tiring......but it deserves it because the result will be very very very nice. :wink:

I work hard for the volcano texture, looking for the more realistic result as possible. I desaturated these lava textures compared to the previous pics posted in this page so it looks better now, it integrates better in the rest of the landscape. Once this ended, the "rest", cities, country and forest will go very fast. In fact volcanos are the key of the map, as mount Suribachi is the one for Iwo Jima map.

Always start from the "key", the most difficult part of a map. When it's done then the rest will come very easily. No release until the key problem is not solved.

Release of the map as soon as possible.

Some pics here, enjoy and feebacks welcomes as usual :wink: .

BEFORE - prehistorical you remember this WhiteCat? :lol:

[Image: 4085209973_1dcd440ae4_b.jpg]

00. How can it be possible to "want" to fly in this :???: :???: :???: .........
[Image: 4085210129_216e0a896b_b.jpg]

1. AFTER - what YOU will all have guys :wink: :wink:

[Image: 4085060801_209fc03130_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085819576_83189135ef_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085818624_6444f66c1d_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085818712_a0043b94f8_b.jpg]

5. Seven textures interpenetrated here....doesn't look it is the case right? the deal is to make it appear as natural as possible to avoid to the max the feeling of seing a texture instead of just a landscape.
[Image: 4085819210_7ec2a2f946_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085061387_285bbccd98_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085061673_711897d3f7_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085060713_17718c30a8_b.jpg]

[Image: 4085061045_e8ae5391a7_b.jpg]

The goal is to make us forget that we are flying over an artificial landscape and let us focus only on the dogfight :wink: . hope releasing this soon :wink: Smile Big Grin

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