[Download] ZipNavV.1.5 for all mod packs

[Image: zipnav15.jpg]

Changes in V1.5:
Navigation points feature added

To activate this, press the left control key when setting the first navigation point with a right mouse click. There is no need to press this key again when adding more navigation points.

To delete the last navigation point press the left alt key while clicking right somewhere on the map. If no more navigation point is left, the programm switches to normal mode.

The # key should display/hide the clipboard over the games screen (the nav programm must still run, of course), but i don't know if this works with all systems. You can change the used key within the zipnav.ini in the ZipNav_files folder.

You also can print the navigation points with a left mouse click onto the middle part of the clipboards clamp.

Standard usage:

Select used unit (Metric/Imperial) and "Save" this setting.
Select map.
Click left to starting position.
Click right to aims position.
Read course/distance/home course/aims height.
Zoom in/out for better placement (Zoom * 4 can't display the biggest maps).
Set average speed/height for flight time calculation.

Adding new maps:
Create a new subfolder to folder ZipNavFilesPacked and give it the maps name.
Copy the maps files ed_m02.tga, map_h.tga and texts.txt into that folder. Rename these files if they are named somehow otherwise.
Copy the maps actors.static file into the folder ZipNavFilesPacked\new_maps and rename it as actors.static if it is named somehow otherwise.
Run outact.bat
Copy the resulting file outNStationary.txt into the new map files folder (This file contains the airport positions).
Select "Packer/Pack files", open the new maps folder and click left on one file after the other to pack them. The free JCalG1 algorithm is used; this is very effecient and fast when unpacking, but quite slowly when packing, so this may take up to some minutes with a very big file. Unpacking a packed file also is possible.

Just expand the zip (196 MB) to a folder of your choice, it contains all needed files.

Edit: Link renewed, zip_monte_Cassino and zip_Anzio added, vkg_Grand_Canuon updated.
Download ZipNavV1.5 (complete install) here:


Maps list V1.5:

(001) 2B_FlightTest
(002) 3BG_KTO
(003) 3BG_KTO_Winter
(004) ag_Aleutians
(005) ag_Andalucia
(006) ag_Archangelsk
(007) ag_Baleares
(008) ag_Bulgaria
(009) ag_Cartagena
(010) ag_Chaco
(011) ag_Dakar
(012) ag_Djibouti
(013) ag_Hejaz
(014) ag_Madagascar
(015) Ardennes
(016) ash_BoF
(017) B29_Alley
(018) Balaton
(019) Benghalli
(020) Berlin
(021) Bessarabia
(022) Burma
(023) CAN_Channel
(024) CAN_EnglishChannel_1940
(025) CAN_EnglishChannel_1943
(026) Cat_Midway_Expanded
(027) Chichi
(028) Coralsea
(029) Crimea
(030) CY6_North_Korea
(031) cztx_BurmaLower
(032) Desert
(033) dlv_Philippines
(034) dlv_Sinai
(035) Empty1a
(036) Empty1a_winter
(037) Empty1b
(038) Empty1b_winter
(039) Empty2a
(040) Empty2a_winter
(041) Empty2b
(042) Empty2b_winter
(043) Empty4a
(044) Empty4b
(045) ffb_Thailand
(046) FinsGulf
(047) fly_zo_BOB
(048) Guadal
(049) Hawaii
(050) HB_Hokkaido
(051) HRt_canarias7
(052) IJ_Palembang_1942
(053) IJ_Palembang_1945
(054) IJ_Sakishima
(055) Italian_Front
(056) Italy_DF
(057) It_new_italy_DF
(058) Iwo
(059) Japan1
(060) JV69_LYBIA_N-E
(061) KhalkhinGol
(062) Kiev
(063) Kt_Finland
(064) Kuban
(065) Kurland
(066) Kursk
(067) Kwajalein
(068) LALnormandy1
(069) LALnormandy2
(070) LAL_Okinawa
(071) Lviv
(072) Makin2
(073) Malta_42
(074) Manchuria
(075) Manpferdia
(076) marianas
(077) Mbug_Slovakia_winter
(078) Midway
(079) mixx_Zapolar
(080) Moscow
(081) MrO_Kokoda
(082) mrz_Centmed
(083) mrz_Malta
(084) MTO
(085) Murmansk
(086) MurmanskS
(087) Net1summer
(088) Net1winter
(089) Net2summer
(090) Net2winter
(091) Net3summer
(092) Net5Summer
(093) Net6Island
(094) Net7Islands
(095) net8islands
(096) NetIslands
(097) Netmountains
(098) Newguinea
(099) new_map
(100) Normandy
(101) Norway
(102) NTL_Darwin_Small
(103) NWeurope
(104) Okinawa
(105) Palau
(106) Prokhorovka
(107) RD_Malvinas
(108) Rennell_Islands
(109) Sal_Truk
(110) Sandsoftime
(111) Singapore
(112) Slot_0144
(113) Slot_1042
(114) Slovakia
(115) Smolensk
(116) Stgrad
(117) Tarawa
(118) tc_hawaain-islands
(119) vkg_Crete
(120) vkg_El_Alamein
(121) VKG_Grand_Canyon
(122) vol_ItalyAfricaGreece
(123) vol_Sardegna
(124) Wag_Nordsee
(125) Wake
(126) zip_Alpen_East
(127) zip_Alpen_Mid
(128) zip_Alpen_west
(129) zip_Anzio
(131) zip_Monte_Cassino
(132) zip_Islands
(133) Zuti_Slovenia
(134) Zuti_Slovenia_Winter

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