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[REQUEST] Unified BUTTONS file by AAA

do you fly online much? do you know how hard it is to get all the pilots to have the same stuff, including the server?

which brings me to my next point, it's server admins and mission makers that determine what you fly.
It's easy for them, they just make missions with the lowest common denominator and leave those planes out so they don't run into these compatibility issues.

i'm quite happy with a quaterly release schedule(or whatever it is). It gives all the players time to get the current bits and use them for a while, make missions with them, etc..and also allows the mods more time to test and get stuff right.

i like to comapre it to fast food vs a nice resturant. Sure, i could release the NGNB map right now. Its all built and works and has buildings and runways that work correctly both online and off. I can only speak for myself here, but i'm gonna cook my food a little longer, add some presentation to it before it gets served to anyone.

this just this guys opinion.

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