Help - Low FPS and stuttering

Hi everyone,

I'm running it in 4.09 with HSFX4.1 (although all mods are disabled in JGSME).
Also the game is running in OpelGL for sure.

I tried using some of the conf.ini advice in Fireskull's thread, it did help abit but still stutters... i had better FPS with my old 6800Ultra card....
There must be something wrong, It cant be that 9600GT with 1024MB and 256BIT runs IL2 this slow!
I also tried using less graphics and it will help abit but it still stutters.... i noticed that when i look directly at the ground or up to the sky my FPS goes to like 50 but when looking at the horizon, it drops down to 20 and sometimes less when looking at citys and buildings...

I tryed using diffrent resoloutions but with no success... right now i'm trying it with 1680x1050 cuz i got a 21" Monitor I think its 16:9... and this resoloution is the native for my LCD.

Also I tryed changing the Nvidia graphics I tryed with Trilinear optimization and without and also put the AA optimization to performance and tryed changing it to AA - x2 and AT - x2....
Still i get diffrent FPS but nothing current and nothing to be able to fly regulary and without problems online, obviously when you see the A/C in your crosshairs stutter and the whole picture isn't smooth it's much harder to shot anything Confusedhock:

1.Could it be that my CPU is too weak if I could run the game similary with 6800ultra?
2.Also maybe theres a possibility I'm doing something wrong with the configuration? anyone got a recommendation for Nvidia and conf.ini for my setup?
3.Maybe the 9600GT hasn't got enough Watt from the computers power unit? how do i check that? any software?

If anyone has any idea how to check if there is something else wrong with the system, I would like to try anything... I bought the 9600GT especially so i could run IL2, I'm not running any other games so I would appriciate any idea.


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