[WIP] China Map of Hankow - ver1 ready

redko Wrote:Hum i still can't save on you map Agracier. I have no more ideas, static checker -last version- says i'm ok no missing object. I can see the map on fmb+ without problem. :roll: Sad .
Would it be possible that i miss something that static checker can't see ? :???: . It must be something like that, aleou map works fine...No missing texture neither.

I wish I had other ideas too, but I can think of nothing either. The static.ini checker should be able to find missing objects, at least as far as i know.

I know I've installed and used some pretty obscure object mods, since I want to have them all at my disposal for use. Usually the bridge mod, the FFB objects (Fabianfred's trees and stuff) Canon's Channel Objects, some tarmac textures as objects are the main culprits for not saving on a map.

And if it were a missing texture, then the map simply wouldn't load.

I'll have to think some more on this and I'll take a look at what is in the actors file.

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