FM ANALYSIS of the HSFX 4.1 P-47Ds

BillSwagger Wrote:I guess its just a point of fact, for example 320 indicated in game at 1500ft is pretty close to the planes top speed, where the actual plane may have indicated more than that at its top speed.
Not sure what your saying, but just so you know I do plot the inidcated air speed per altitude in the summary reports. I also use the same equation that IL2 uses (got it from the Java code) to calcualate it

BillSwagger Wrote:Also, the plane used in the test is more indicative of the D-27 than the D-27late, operating at a full fuel load and 64" manifold pressure and the N used 70 inches with nearly 2000lbs more weight.

Basically, its just a matter of how far down the rabbit hole you want to go before you realize that Oleg may have been pretty close, in fact, in some ways may have undermodelled it so it wasn't such an uber plane.

I am not a P-47 expert by any means

My only point is there is not enough info in that report to reproduce it in the game

For example, it says they 'pull into a zoom climb'..


What angle is it that they are climbing at during the zoom?

Without that info, you can not reproduce the test

Oh sure you could try it at a few different angles

But unless you do it at all angles you wont know if the 'difference' you seeing between your test results and the real world test results is due to you not ZOOMING at the same angle they did.

All we know is that it was a fair test for the two planes, in that they were flying side by side, thus both had the same ZOOM angle, we just dont know what that angle was.

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