P51 Mustang

No need really in that a simular topic came up over at UltraPack



Good thing you re-opened it

Because the similar thread over at UltraPack got locked

For some weak made up excuse that I had followed Kwiatek over there after he stopped replying to me here

FACT is Kwiatek said several times that he was not going to reply anymore

Only to reply more

So that was not the reason I started posting over at UltraPack

In that given time I knew Kwiatek would post again after saying he wouldn't

The simple truth is a similar topic came up over there and I posted in it

Nothing more nothing less

But they needed an excuse to lock that thread over there because I was pointing out and proving their claims of having more accurate flight models is in error

They could not deal with the facts I provided thus they had to lock it to keep the myth alive

The funny part about this is

They had no problems with Kwiatek coming here and posting in an AAA thread (this thread) providing links to and promoting his P-51 flight models over HSFX/AAA

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