Hsfx or UltraPack?

RAF209_Python Wrote:Salute

You can download either one UP has HSFX included in it but I have both on my pc it save switching things around I also use both as they each have nice qualities so the choice is yours but I personally could not decide so I loaded both.

This is the only natural course of action, I couldn't make my mind up either way, I just happen to have an easier time with UP during the first install is really the only reason I made it my main folder, but since then I just kept adding mod after mod after mod, then came the helicopters, now the Vietnam era is a work in progress from the SAS gang, well you get the point, plus the fact that UP has HSFX also, was a contributing factor, I use to fly regularly online and there are different online campaigns, so UP was more out of necessity than anything, with the HSFX, at the time, don't know about now, you could only fly the SOEW campaigns, this may have changed. For someone starting out though you may wanna try both and make your own decision. Good Hunting

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