loading Hawaii map

chief2000 Wrote:Question about Sakai's Hawaiian Island map.
1. Followed instructions to the letter using UP 2.1.
2. There is no folder marked MODS. I found the locations for maps but am not sure where to put the objects. What do I need to do to get the map to show up? Do I need to creat a mission in the full mission builder?


Most instructions don't consider up 2.01 for some reason.....

UP2.01 uses the Il1946/Files/maps folder for modifications. Go to that folder and make your changes there. make sure you place the the tc_hawaain-islands (sic) folder there. Also add the line to your all.ini there. _Tex there too.

then com/Maddox/il2/objects for the rest

Also: you may have to undo any changes to your typical MODS folder.

Believe me, its worth the trouble, I'm still working on tweaking it myself...its a masterpiece

Yes, create a mission with you as player

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