08.12.2010, 18:45
panzerkeil Wrote:Nope; I meant the wrecked cars, tanks and static aircraft. I have your mod load first in my list (I added prefix 00_), but exploded cars and tanks still stop smoking after 20 seconds. I would really love to see them smoking for the entire mission duration to get that battlefield feeling; that is the only thing left on my wish list (and more custom maps ofcourse, and more planes, and more objects and... :wink: )
The fire and smoke look a lot better now though! 8)
I suggest you check if you have any other mod/mods except mine (specialy effect mods with these class files):
If yes, disable them by adding (-) in front of them. check also if you have other effect files which contains any of these filesexcept mine)
if yes, disable them too by adding (-) in front of them. Do you have problem only with these Tanks and cars fire and smoke how is whit stasionary aircrafts , trains and artillery fire and smoke effects? do they keep continuing thire fire and smoke?
or they stop also aftre 20 sec.? Hope this will help you. :wink: