Is this realistic (Spitfire FSX vs IL2 1946)

I agree with you. Doing a loop certainly takes more time than in any other sim. I heard the developers of the upcoming 4.10 patch for IL2, will take care of G-forces. Let's hope it's got a positive effect on that.

It's listed here:

Development Update - 2010-03-04

Structural G Limits & Multiple Joystick Profiles (internal DT development)

At present all aircraft in IL2 have a single fixed Structural G limit of +13G. It only really becomes an issue with aircraft with exceptionally light elevators such as the P51. Pull more than +13G and you loose your wings. The real life situation is a little more complicated. Real aircraft are designed with an Ultimate load and In Service design load. Both are for a defined configuration and weight.

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