
Have done some thinking and have the same thoughts as
Cnopicilin and Planemad.
Il21946 4.09m + MOD packs avilable + All dedicated moders and web.sites
Look what has become of it. It is unbelivable, IT'S GREATE. :Smile)
4.10m DT is reslesed and 4.11 on its way. Smile
Today we are able to fly almost any major event that took place during
WWII ETO, MTO, PTO and not to forgett WWI by Canavas Knights.
And allredy moving in to the coold war era. Korea and Vietnam :Smile)
We can do it online singel or together in Vsquads. We are close to have all
the major historic AC flyable with á varity of correct Skins, Nose Art and Loadouts
to chose from. New maps are created, fantastic new maptextures comming up to
replace the old one's. And it still growing.
In every little corner round the world is a modder working for free and no charge on their idea's.
And that in fact make this game bee...

Over and out!

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