28.03.2011, 08:04
KG64_Cnopicilin Wrote:Hi!
Just to remind, I am not buying a new computer until the one I have now stops working, then I have a really good reason to buy a new one
I've been looking for a new PC, mainly because I am frustrated with the low FPS of my FSX.
So far I've seen that the most suitable pc would be this:
I've been going down this path for well over a month now and have found out more about FSX than I care to think about.
FSX is CPU intesive not GPU intensive,
HT only has a marginal improvement for a short time on extreme terrain graphics and the things you have to do to get that to work is,...well I will get you the links to read for yourself.
The next gen of Intel CPU's are not far off, cannot remember the exact socket designation but they make the Sandybridge K series look like they are using zimmer frames.
It's fairly late here now, but I will find you the link I refer to about the FSX info, you may find it useful, me personally, I am selling my unused FSX Gold and gettin FS9 to accompany IL2.
Cheers, Jeff