Ice Eagle's Hanger

asheshouse Wrote:I have to acknowledge that you have a point there.

I had not seen those. I don't read every thread that appears.

The wording is "mildly" offensive IMO. No big deal really.

I don't see any value in the last post. It serves no purpose other than to stir things up.

So why did Storebror post it.
Was it perhaps some sort of retaliation for the extremely abusive post by Beowolff in March.
Quote:Storebought...reduced to S.neak A.nd S.teal?

Pretty hard to miss that direct personal attack.

If a mildly offensive post at SAS made over a month ago is the worst example is it not time to put a stop to personal attacks and retaliation. None of it adds anything to the value of the game.


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