Ok basicly most of the game is ran by java. "Java Classes"
Each java class contains info like Model location, Paint Schemes, Weapon hooks, Collision info, Tailhook instructions, Wingfold, gear and alot more.
Models consist of a few things, Him, mat "material" msh "model" and TGA's
The hier.him is a file with coordinates to where the models go.
Some Planes have Multiple Model Folders. This is called a Nationality
Nationalitys for example GB is RAF, RAAF and RN. Usa is USMC, USN, USAAF. RU is for russian. JA is for japan and so on. If you have a aircraft that does have 2 folders and you edit one it will not effect all Nationalitys only the one you edit. For Example i change the GB folder and add a tail hook to the aircraft, that means that tail hook will only apply to the RAAF,RAF and RN
If there is a value.. or Txt in the hier.him that does not belong usualy the aircraft will refuse to load, and will give u a error. "Error Hier.him could not be loaded" This usualy only happens if your trying to add a line or one got duplicated.
Mesh CF_D0
Parent _ROOT_
Attaching 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.62727 0.00209 0.14734
CollisionObject xcf1
CollisionObject .xxmgun01
CollisionObject .xxammor
CollisionObject .xxmgun02
CollisionObject .xxammol
CollisionObject .xxcontrols3
CollisionObject .xxtank3