Gyro Gun Sights 4 the IX Spits?

Is that possible to have this as later Spit IX's did?

[Image: catpongaq4.gif]

maybe possible but it would have to be historically correct and proved that is was on a particular mark that is in the game.

I think it was used on the late Mk IX, Mk XIV and followings.

Corktip_14 Wrote:I think it was used on the late Mk IX, Mk XIV and followings.

Yep, thats it m8. Think it was 1st tested on a Mk V me think.

[Image: catpongaq4.gif]

Hot Space? You here too? Ah at least one HG here then.

(It's Ulrich, not using that name because the memberlist might be tracked, at least that's what some say...)

On topic: it would be nice to see some different gunsights here and there like you say.

Hiya m8 8)

How's things?

If i'm honest I don't care if I'm tracked m8 as most things if not all at UBI inwich I say just gets bypased.............and as for being banned from there..........who cares as this and the great folks here who makes these Mods have really got me back into IL-2:46 :wink:

[Image: catpongaq4.gif]

i think this is worth checking out to see if it can be done

the thing im concerned about is would the p51dna gyro sights look the same as the spits ?
coz it may be possible to transfer the sights over to the spit but they would look like p51dna unless of course we change the reticle tga's & find the p51's gyro tga & change it to suit the spit... does anyone know what the spits gyro sights looked like? remember we cant change the 3d objects that make up the p51dna's sights

Wikipedia:- "After tests with two experimental sights which had begun in 1939, the first production gyro gunsight was the British Mark I Gyro Sight (left), developed at Farnborough in 1941, and prototypes of which were tested in a Supermarine Spitfire and the turret of a Boulton Paul Defiant in the early part of that year. With the successful conclusion of these tests the sight was put into production by Ferranti, the first limited-production versions being available by the spring of 1941, with the sights being first used operationally against Luftwaffe raids on Britain in July the same year. The sight had a number of drawbacks however, including requiring the pilot/gunner to look through a small aperture, so production was postponed and work started on an improved sight which would incorporate a normal reflector system instead. This new sight became the Mark II Gyro Sight, which was first tested in late 1943 with production examples becoming available later in the same year.

The Mark II was also subsequently produced in the US as the K-14 (USAAF) and Mk18 (Navy)"

Not all Spitfires Mk.IX had this sight. It would be good to allow mision-builders to have old sight option, maybe on Mk.IXC which is later than IXE. And 25lb should be equiped with Mk.II sight (it's very late 1944)...

MrJolly Wrote:... does anyone know what the spits gyro sights looked like?

[Image: spitgyrosight.jpg]

heres that one in higher resolution.. and no, its not a hurricane.. its a spit..
[Image: mk_iid_gyro_sight.jpg]

Tempest Vs never had gyro sights fitted AFAIK.

This is a useful link for RAF gunsights (more than you will ever need to know):

Any news?

EDIT: Cannot extract Spitfire Mk.IX' cockpit folder Sad

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