My mod wishlist

1. replaceable ingame 'navigation map' (keyboard: 'M') graphics - *edit: I need the files, cant find them

2. all displayed text, like "aircraft destroyed" for example, changed to white (or light brown maybe) possibly with 50% or adjustable transparency

3. OK

4. OK

5. more maps added to QMB (Berlin, NWEurope, Normandy, Burma, Desert online, Pearl Harbor)

any help would be appreciated!

vpmedia Wrote:1. replaceable ingame 'navigation map' graphics

2. all displayed text, like "aircraft destroyed" for example, changed to white (or light brown maybe) possibly with 50% or adjustable transparency

3. startup screen - which is currently in russian- made replaceable

4. old mto online map with italy and new desert map textures

5. more maps added to QMB (Berlin, NWEurope, Normandy, Burma, Desert online, Pearl Harbor)

any help would be appreciated!

1- ingame maps - i will replace them in my map pack ( didn't include it in beta-s cos of file size .. i'm on 56k)

2- didn't try it jet ..... you can replace text itself .... files\i18n\

3- place background0.tga and mat file in your :\files\gui folder
or download my FB gui mod ... there is new splash screen ( may be replaced with custom)

4.- putted on my to-do list

5.- saw it on the other forum - it can be done - didn't try it jet

hope it helps


#3 and #4 is ok then, thanks


[Image: replacebg.jpg]

2 replacement backgrounds for the title screen (256 color 1024*768 tga, each only 768Kb size!)

extract to C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\files\gui

download from

You'll also need fly_zo's GUI mod from here: (The link is inoperative)

If you want to change only the russian title screen add only these two lines to filelist.txt:


1. original (color) Claude screen by Olli72
2. graphics by F19_Orheim, A6M2 skin by me
both downloaded from gallery

gui/game/pad/Planshet.tga **Plastic wrap**
gui/game/pad/PlanshetFrame.tga **Map frame**

Can't access them myself, sadly. But with trial and error you can make new tga's to modify them.
If someone can access the mat files, let me know!

?? mat files you can open with notepad, do you mean .msh ?

ClassName TMaterial
tfDoubleSide 0
tfShouldSort 0
tfDropShadow 0
tfGameTimer 1
Ambient 1.0
Diffuse 1.0
Specular 0.0
SpecularPow 0
Shine 0.0
TextureName PlanshetFrame.tga
Frame 0.0
VisibleDistanceNear 0.0
VisibleDistanceFar 10000.0
TextureCoordScale 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0
ColorScale 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
AlphaTestVal 0.5 // of [0.1, 0.5, 0.9]
tfWrapX 1
tfWrapY 1
tfMinLinear 1
tfMagLinear 1
tfMipMap 0
tfBlend 1
tfBlendAdd 0
tfTestA 0
tfTestZ 0
tfUpDateClear 0
tfModulate 1
tfNoTexture 0
tfAnimatePalette 0
tfAnimateSkippedFrames 0
tfNoWriteZ 1
tfDepthOffset 0
tfTranspBorder 1
tfTestZEqual 0
tfCompressMajorAlpha 1

Wow what is that one? For me, I can't extract any of those mat files for the 'pad. Not sure why :?
Some can be extracted/read for me. But not all.

What are you talking about ?? I have been able to open ever .mat i come across. On the other hand TGA's are a different story, and .msh

Btw it's padskin.mat

Sorry my bad. What I mean is when I open an sfs, the amount of stuff I am able to get out seems less than everyone else. Opening the mats in txt is no problem though.

ohhh.. hmmm. check your filelist in your sfs extractor.

thanks!! #1 is solved too

I will experiment with replacing those tga's, I cant open them either

I'd like to have a 1 or 2 pixel black frame only, but if the frame is filled with a pattern than I probably I cant have that

I also found #2, the fonts but I dunno how to recolor them yet.
Yesterday I could replace arial font with garamond which is less modern, but that font is used in FMB to where all text got nearly unreadable, so I guess replacement font isnt a way to go. But I dont mind because most of my 2+ years old dreams already came true Big Grin

Can someone please fix the stupid US markings...the star looks and is totaly wrong. I really don't want to use the Mat manager. Just fix the stars, thats all.


I agree the default ingame markings are shit

The US marking is "files/Paintschemes/decals/States/whitestar1.tga"
, but it can only be round shaped, because otherwise it would be too small.

I will fix all the markings but only later, because I'm a mat manager user Smile I never played IL-2 without that program and I made my own custom marking too.

BTW the ONLY important request I got left is the #5 QMB map enhancement, pls help!

I hope this is right place to my sentence. If not - sorry Smile

AI pilots can look all around (360 degrees vertical and spherical) and human pilot can't surprise them in attack. For example when I'm closing to AI pilot from down to his position, AI can see me what is impossible.

Is there any way to fix it ?

vpmedia Wrote:I agree the default ingame markings are shit

The US marking is "files/Paintschemes/decals/States/whitestar1.tga"
, but it can only be round shaped, because otherwise it would be too small.

I will fix all the markings but only later, because I'm a mat manager user Smile I never played IL-2 without that program and I made my own custom marking too.


Lol, i began to test replacing default markings ....

But no time to do all markings, i think..... perhaps some others...

[Image: 406findefaut.jpg]

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