The Slot

Looking forward to seeing the map/s haveing been on Guadalcanal and Bougainville.

First Marine Air Wing
Marine Air Group 25

I started reading the "read me" and I think I found an error in the opening lines.

[quote]Phase 1: Opening Moves - the 4 May 1942 raid on Tulagi by USN Carrier Task Groups, and the first few weeks of combat following the U.S. invasion on 7 August 1942.

Phase II: Securing Guadalcanal - 1 September, through 27 February 1943

Phase III: New Georgia invasion

Stan, took another look...Phase V starts in December 43, but our map picks-up the action in January. Piva North and Torokina were built very quickly, and it just didn't make sense to add a 7th field just to take this into account. 8)

I have stopped playing IL-2 to save myself for this map. Its looking amazing guys. Keep it up.

I second that. Already gettin' my Corsairs ready for some action. Wink

Hell, i actually have been away too long. I gotta do some warming up runs before i even think about setting foot in The Slot.

*fires up Hellcat for the first time in months*

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I'm itching to warm up a RNZAF P40 on Fighter II and take her for a jaunt over Redova.

Big Grin Smile Big Grin


the last time I saw this much Hype and excitment was just before Star Wars Episode I came out!

:wink: Fantastic PT, simply beyond and above!

P.S. tell all your wives and sweethearts that we appreciate them giving you up for this project for the last 4 months or so!! :lol:

_AH_taldrg Wrote:Looking forward to seeing the map/s haveing been on Guadalcanal and Bougainville.

First Marine Air Wing
Marine Air Group 25

For real, AH?

saunders1953 Wrote:
_AH_taldrg Wrote:Looking forward to seeing the map/s haveing been on Guadalcanal and Bougainville.

First Marine Air Wing
Marine Air Group 25

For real, AH?

Yes, saunders, he is for real.

_AH_taldrg Wrote:Looking forward to seeing the map/s haveing been on Guadalcanal and Bougainville.

First Marine Air Wing
Marine Air Group 25

Let me start out by thanking you, from the bottom of my heart, for your service and sacrifice. I am also very, very interested in getting your reactions on The Slot.

After having done this for 5 months it is my opinion that IL2 does a fair job of representing the terrain in a particular area, from an altitude above 1,000 feet, assuming the developers have the foresight to use Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data and select the correct textures.

From ground level the height model and forest texture limitations of the graphics engine limit us to creating what I would characterize as a caricature of real life.

As long as we all keep in mind that it is a flight simulator, and not a first person shooter, then no one will be too disappointed. 8)

_AH_taldrg Wrote:Looking forward to seeing the map/s haveing been on Guadalcanal and Bougainville.

First Marine Air Wing
Marine Air Group 25

It would be interesting to chat with you....and see what you think of us....playing a computer game based upon a war you fought in.....

fabianfred Wrote:Ouch!....... I grinned so much my jaw aches :?

are you finished decorating yet?...or do you need some tropical fruits...?


Up until this point we have opted not to use custom textures, mainly to reduce complexityfor those who are not comfortable with the MOD file structure. In The Slot Readme we recommend the use of FA_Monguse's new PCP textures, which are available here: (The link is inoperative), but that is about as far as we have gone.

I must admit, that the lack of a decent large canopy tree hardwood tree, common to the Solomon Islands, is a serious PF omission and me looking hard at what you have done with your new trees.

I will be watching your thread intently.

Quote:Let me start out by thanking you, from the bottom of my heart, for your service and sacrifice. I am also very, very interested in getting your reactions on The Slot.

I would also love to read that Big Grin

Just finished down loading the PDF file and reading all 28 pages in Detail can not wait to have a flight up the slot and down the slot as we try to take the skies away from the enemy I S~! the Slot Team for all their hard efforts this will make our flight sim into whole new world

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