Me109 All-Holes-Solved Mod with Me109-F4 Mistel

Ok guys,links available at the end of the first post of this thread. Big Grin

Arrow Just here.

Crossing fingers that no enormous bug is left... :?


Great mod,except the E4 still has the missing cowling? Using Jolly's mirror mod on it.

Great news !!! Really a big thanks to you for your unbelivable work and all the time you spend for us.

Downloading now :lol:

Thank you, one of the greatest LW mod ever. Flying in 109 is now fantastic..

sorry where is the download??I've found only for mistel

I'm totaly lost.. Which is the download link?? I haven't got a scooby on which link of the many is actualy the one required for the '109's holes solved'!!..................... Cry

Took me a while to find it,about 5 minutes lol! Its on the front page somewhere.

I give you a clue:Scroll down to the very bottom of Hunins first post on page one of this thread ,until you see this:


Here are the links to download! Exclamation

At FileFront:
Arrow Me109-AHS with F4Mistel.rar

At Rapidshare:
Arrow Me109-AHS with F4Mistel.rar

..what a mess.. this guy speak long about new bail out , holes in glass cockpit and finally we have to d/l from a MISTEL link?!? ....


THX Hunin... very, very cool !!

I'm just d/loading atm...can't await to install and fool around mate.

Your a Genius... man !!

Many THX for your hard work and lot of time ...

btw: does your family has seen you yet ? Big Grin

Great work !!

Now fly the Bf-109 is really.....

[Image: drooling_homer-1.gif]

Well done Hunin

Finally all the holes are patched up :wink:

But I saw a small problem with the ejection of the cockpit, when I bailed out, in the external view, the plane appears without cockpit, and magically de cockpit appears again, already launched off the plane :?: at least this happens to me....

Anyway great job, congratulations :wink: :wink: , you are a genius Hunin


NICE MOD, REALY GOOD, but have a little bug whit aces cockpit mod (bf

[quote="mmielli"]NICE MOD, REALY GOOD, but have a little bug whit aces cockpit mod (bf

falco Wrote:..what a mess.. this guy speak long about new bail out , holes in glass cockpit and finally we have to d/l from a MISTEL link?!? ....

..what a mess.. this guy speak short about the first post of this thread that he has certainly not even read

And the three letters "AHS" stands for..?

Repeat after me:

-Solved. GOOD! :roll:

And as the F4-Mistel is integrated inside this mod,we got the final title:

"Me109-AHS with F4 Mistel"

OMG,very hard to understand indeed...:roll: :roll:

Anyway thanks to all that have taken the time to read and understand my work Smile

Arrow Concerning the Aces 109 mod.This mod has been made by another person than me.
This person has integrated standard java cockpits files with standard java fuselages files. Idea
That means this person DIDN'T use the new setup i had written into the cockpit/fuselage java files for the 15 standard Me109s (from E4 to K4 with 109-Z).
This is somewhat logical as i released my mod yesyerday. :!: Idea

Arrow Uther,i understand your point of view,but i was already a bit reluctant about adding mirror on early-109,even if i know some of them were indeed equipped with.

I bet you can expect exactly the same kind of bug with the recent "Me109-F1 (with MG-FF canon) mod" Wink Wink

But you must understand that the 15 STANDARD INGAME Me109s have been updated with the AHS mod.That was quite long and hard and i WON'T go behind every Me109 mod made by someone for making my AHS mod to work.

Arrow I'm currently working with Freddy and his new cockpit pack,with the purpose to integrate it as perfectly as possible with my AHS mod.Then,you should consider the mirror-equipped 109 mod or Aces-109 mod as a VERY LOW priority concerning me.

Thanks. Wink


This is a sensational mod - works perfectly for me, but then I don't use mirrors on the '109s nor Ace aircraft with unhistoric FMs...many thanks for all your work HunInTheSun.

This mod somehow makes the 109s feel very solid and 'of a piece' - nothing broke the illusion of a real aircraft more than those great gaps and holes in the model. To have other issues sorted out as well, like glass, canopies and reticles, makes it very comprehensive. It has to join the pantheon of 'must have' mods.

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