Basic tips request

Hi guys, I'm real inexperienced a virtual pilot, you might say my enthusiasm far outweighs my flight experience. I've never even fought online, don't really have the connection for it yet.

Just some things I keep forgetting, I might pop into this thread with more and more questions as I go.

How do you get the telescopic style sights working again? Yah I'm sure it's in a Zoobie thread somewhere if I hunted for a couple of hours but I want to make this the thread of all my ignorance, so I have a central place I can continually refer to in the future. Plus when other newbies ask questions as dumb as mine, you can just link here and smile that paternal smile you give your cat when goes for the dog food bowl and a rottweiler is watching.


I'm sure I'll have many more probably annoying questions...

For the telescopic sight you press shift + 1 to look through, and control + D to open it, I think.

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