10.07.2008, 05:33
I've glanced at some of the threads in this section. I'm not going to criticise as such, that wouldn't be positive, but I notice there's a definite theme of if the enemy is doing this then to counter it you should do that. I suppose in a perfect world there is tendency for certain things to work better than others, and in the enviroment of a computer game, the world we're engaging in aerial combat is necessarily limited in scope however accurate it may seem.
I remember a video of a tactical briefing from a modern expert on aerial combat, a jet fighter veteran, and he stressed that There is no fixed response to any given situation
So what do you do? Its all about reaction. First of all, your situational awareness needs to be practised enough so at all times you have a mental image of what is going on around you. Keep a good look ouit, register where things are, what is happening nearby. That helps you adopt a superior position in combat.
Unfortunately, no-one can be aware of everything, and even aces get jumped sometimes. So, you have a situation. An enemy plane on your six. Its no good thinking about what to do. Thinking is too slow. A capable combat pilot needs to react instinctively which requires practice (I'm sure the forum members get plenty of that!)
Your first job then is to avoid being in his line of fire, so an evasive manoever is called for. The trick here is to note where the enemy is coming from. Is he climbing or diving? That will affect how much energy his aeroplane has and whether he can keep up or slow down to stay behind you. Is he turning? If so, his ability to reverse direction might be less than yours. Is your aeroplane faster? Then exploit that advantage. Close the radiator, the cowl flaps, open the throttle, adjust the pitch, dive away and possibly zoom climb later - don't overdo it, there's a possibility of wrecking your chances later if the engine is too hot. There's an excellent example of this sort of thing in I Flew For The Fuhrer by Heinze Knocke, a luftwaffe veteran, who described his attempt to catch a british recconaisance aircraft over the north sea and nearly boiled his engine doing so.
Thats all very well, but if you're the guy being chased, what can you do? Again, its about reaction. His tracer will tell you you're about to be hit, and thats your last warning. Do something. Anything. Just get out of his line fire. Having done that, manoever. Chances are he's moving faster than you, and if you fly in curving path, you will cover less distance than he will, and since you're likely to be at a lower speed anyway, he may well zoom past you and that pusts you in a temporary position to fire at him. But you need to be quick. Again, Knocke relates a situation where he was jumped by a number of american escort fighters over Germany, and shot to pieces, but he took out the leading american plane which zomomed past him and with his aeroplane coming apart and catching fire, Knocke took aim and fired. They both parachuted and ended up chatting to each other on the ground.
Once the reactive phase is over get above him. Height controls the battle, and I've noticed that once you command altitude over your opponent and he's lost enough energy to zoom climb above you, the game AI will turn defensive and lose height. He will eventually go down to ground level, so once behind and above him, stay there. Fly as directly as you can ("Never fly straight and lvel for more than 30 seconds in the combat area" ) - you'll be in a superior position to take him out.
But this brings up another important point. Patience. Whilst we all want to shoot the enemy down, blasting at long distance is just wasting ammo. Close up on him if you can - its very frustrating if his aircraft is faster - and shoot much closer than you want to.
All lot of what I've written here is probably standard canon to you guys - fair enough - but there seems to be a lot of people asking these questions. So then. React - Outwit - Outmanoever. There is no fixed response to a situation, just a pilots ability to turn things around.
I remember a video of a tactical briefing from a modern expert on aerial combat, a jet fighter veteran, and he stressed that There is no fixed response to any given situation
So what do you do? Its all about reaction. First of all, your situational awareness needs to be practised enough so at all times you have a mental image of what is going on around you. Keep a good look ouit, register where things are, what is happening nearby. That helps you adopt a superior position in combat.
Unfortunately, no-one can be aware of everything, and even aces get jumped sometimes. So, you have a situation. An enemy plane on your six. Its no good thinking about what to do. Thinking is too slow. A capable combat pilot needs to react instinctively which requires practice (I'm sure the forum members get plenty of that!)
Your first job then is to avoid being in his line of fire, so an evasive manoever is called for. The trick here is to note where the enemy is coming from. Is he climbing or diving? That will affect how much energy his aeroplane has and whether he can keep up or slow down to stay behind you. Is he turning? If so, his ability to reverse direction might be less than yours. Is your aeroplane faster? Then exploit that advantage. Close the radiator, the cowl flaps, open the throttle, adjust the pitch, dive away and possibly zoom climb later - don't overdo it, there's a possibility of wrecking your chances later if the engine is too hot. There's an excellent example of this sort of thing in I Flew For The Fuhrer by Heinze Knocke, a luftwaffe veteran, who described his attempt to catch a british recconaisance aircraft over the north sea and nearly boiled his engine doing so.
Thats all very well, but if you're the guy being chased, what can you do? Again, its about reaction. His tracer will tell you you're about to be hit, and thats your last warning. Do something. Anything. Just get out of his line fire. Having done that, manoever. Chances are he's moving faster than you, and if you fly in curving path, you will cover less distance than he will, and since you're likely to be at a lower speed anyway, he may well zoom past you and that pusts you in a temporary position to fire at him. But you need to be quick. Again, Knocke relates a situation where he was jumped by a number of american escort fighters over Germany, and shot to pieces, but he took out the leading american plane which zomomed past him and with his aeroplane coming apart and catching fire, Knocke took aim and fired. They both parachuted and ended up chatting to each other on the ground.
Once the reactive phase is over get above him. Height controls the battle, and I've noticed that once you command altitude over your opponent and he's lost enough energy to zoom climb above you, the game AI will turn defensive and lose height. He will eventually go down to ground level, so once behind and above him, stay there. Fly as directly as you can ("Never fly straight and lvel for more than 30 seconds in the combat area" ) - you'll be in a superior position to take him out.
But this brings up another important point. Patience. Whilst we all want to shoot the enemy down, blasting at long distance is just wasting ammo. Close up on him if you can - its very frustrating if his aircraft is faster - and shoot much closer than you want to.
All lot of what I've written here is probably standard canon to you guys - fair enough - but there seems to be a lot of people asking these questions. So then. React - Outwit - Outmanoever. There is no fixed response to a situation, just a pilots ability to turn things around.