6 dof question

It's absolutely GREAT to finally have use of the 6 dof, but is there any way to keep the view from zooming in to the normal angle when you lean forward?

I find that quite disorienting.


Numpad * and Numpad 0 (zero) while still holding down the *

Great! thanks. ~S~


Yes you can turn off the zoom function:
Arrow - in IL2 itself: using toggle Gunsight "shift-F1"
Arrow -or in 6DOF using num-keys: *+0 (ingame this are the 6dof functions)
Arrow -If you are using a TrackIR: disable Z in your trackIR profile

But try to use that zoom function it's great, maybe you haven't got your setting just right, and it will take some time to get use to it . :wink:

goodluck fredgreen

I'd like to know, if I can prevent somehow, that the virtual head movement is freezed totaly when I hit the movement range border. I'd like to see, that turning the head would still be possible, as well as moving forward. Just like sliding along the border.

Is that possible?

I can turn my head etc just fine at the edge of the "movement box".

Your problem is likely to be your head moving outside the viewing angle of the TrackIR - try increasing the sensitivity of that axis, or move the TrackIR a little further from your head to increase the usable movement area.

Ah... no, that not the problem. I'm sure. Its definitly connected to the 6DoF mod. I do not move much and while testing in the software setup, it can track me even when I go over to my fridge for some salami-toasts. Well nearly... Smile

Maybe I should redownload and reinstall it... probably I have an obsolete version.

If the reflectors on your headphones/hat get obscured from the detector, or if they cross each other, then TrackIR can get confused.

You are completely right, I was totally wrong.

Indeed, its a TrackIR issue. Its still tracking the hat spots (green in the tracking screen), but when its moved near to the tracking range, it also tracks some reflection on my glasses (red), which causes it to do nothing and freeze. I don't know, why it doesn't just ignore the 'red marked' tracking. However, I managed to build some other reflectors (bigger marbeled ones) and adjusted the size of the reflectors in the setup. Now it ignores the glasses.

All work fine. Great mod! Smile

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