IF you can find the full United States Strategic Bombing Survey Reports (not the summary) they list a lot of the targets
for example
http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AAF/USSBS/#eto shows the following
Aircraft Division
004 Aircraft Division Industry Report
005 Inspection Visits to Various Targets (Special Report)
006 Junkers Aircraft and Aero Engine Works, Dessau, Germany
007 Erla Maschinenwerke GmbH, Heiterblick, Germany
008 ATG Maschinenbau, GmbH, Leipzig (Mockau), Germany
009 Gothaer Waggonfabrik, AG, Gotha, Germany
010 Fock Wulf Aircraft Plant, Bremen, Germany
011 Messerschmitt AG, Augsburg, Germany
012 Dornier Works, Friedrichshafen & Munich, Germany
013 Gerhard Feiseler Werke GmbH, Kassel, Germany
014 Wiener Neustaedter Flugzeugwerke, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
015 Bussing NAG Flugmotorenwerke, GmbH, Brunswick, Germany
016 Mittel-Deutsche Motorenwerke, GmbH, Taucha, Germany
017 Bavarian Motor Works, Inc. Eisenach & Durrerhof, Germany
018 Baysrische Motorenwerke, AG (BMW) Munich, Germany
019 Henschel Flugmotorenwerke, Kassel, Germany
020 Light Metals Industry of Germany (Part 1, Aluminum & Part 2, Magnesium)
021 Wereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke, Hildesheim, Germany
022 Metallgussgesellschaft, GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
023 Aluminiumwerk GmbH, Plant No. 2, Bitterfeld, Germany
024 Gebrueder Giulini GmbH, Lunwigshafen, Germany
025 Luftschiffbau, Zepplin GmbH, Friedrichshafen on Bodensee, Germany
026 Wieland Werke AG, Ulm, Germany
027 Rudolph Rautenbach Lieghmetallgiessereien, Solingen, Germany
028 Lippewerke Wereinigte Aluminiumwerke AG, Lunen, Germany
029 Vereinigte Deutsche Metalwerke, Heddernheim, Germany
030 Duerener Metallwerke AG, Duren Wittenau-Berlin & Waren, Germany
Physical Damage Division
134b Physical Damage Division Report (ETO)
135 Villacoublay Airdrome, Paris, France
136 Railroad Repair Yards, Malines, Belgium
137 Railroad Repair Yards, Louvain, Belgium
138 Railroad Repair Yards, Hasselt, Belgium
139 Railroad Repair Yards, Namur, Belgium
140 Submarine Pens, Brest, France
141 Powder Plant, Angouleme, France
142 Powder Plant, Bergerac, France
143 Coking Plants, Montigne & Liege, Belgium
144 Fort St. Blaise Verdun Group, Metz, France
145 Gnome et Rhone, Limoges, France
146 Michelen Tire Factory, Clermont-Ferrand, France
147 Gnome et Rhone Aero Engine Factory, Le Mans, France
148 Kugelfischer Bearing Ball Plant, Toulouse, France
149 Louis Berguret Aircraft Plant, Toulouse, France
150 SNCASE Aircraft Plant, Toulouse, France
151 AIA Aircraft Plant, Toulouse, France
152 V Weapons in London
153 City Area of Kerfeld
154 Public Air Raid Shelters in Germany
155 Goldenberg Thermal Electric Power Station, Knapsack, Germany
156 Brauweiler Transformer & Switching Station, Brauweiler, Germany
157 Storage Depotm Nahbollenbach, Germany
158 Railway and Road Bridge, Bad Munster, Germany
159 Railway Bridge, Eller, Germany
160 Gustloff-Werke Weimar, Weimar, Germany
161 Henschell & Sohn GmbH, Kassel, Germany
162 Ares Surveyat Primasens, Germany
163 Hanomag, Hanover, Germany
164 MAN Werke Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
165 Friedrich Krupp AG, Essen, Germany
166 Erla Maschinenwerke, GmbH, Heiterblick, Germany
167 ATG Maschinenbau GmbH, Mockau, Germany
168 Erla Maschinenwerke, GmbH, Mockau, Germany
169 Bayerische Motorenwerke GmbH, Taucha, Germany
170 Mittel-Deusche Motorenwerke GmbH, Taucha, Germany
171 Submarine Pens Deutshe-Werft, Hamburg, Germany
172 Multi-Storied Structures, Hamburg, Germany
173 Comtinental Gummiwerke, Hanover, Germany
174 Kassel Marshalling Yards, Kassel, Germany
175 Ammoniawerke, Merseburg-Leuna, Germany
176 Brown Boveri et Cie, Mannheim, Kafertal, Germany
177 Adam Opel AG, Russelheim, Germany
178 Daimler-Benz AG, Unterturkheim, Germany
179 Valentin Submarine Assembly, Farge, Germany
180 Volkswaggonwerke, Fallersleben, Germany
181 Railway Viaduct at Bielefeld, Germany
182 Ship Yards Howaldtswerke, Hamburg, Germany
183 Blohm and Voss Shipyards, Hamburg, Germany
184 Daimler-Benz AG, Mannheim, Germany
185 Synthetic Oil Palnt, Meerbeck-Hamburg, Germany
186 Gewerkschaft, Victor, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
187 Klockner Humboldt Deutz, Ulm, Germany
188 Ruhtoel Hydrogenation Plant, Bottrop-Boy, Germany
189 Neukirchen Eisenwerke AG, Neukirchen, Germany
190 Railway Viaduct at Alterbecken, Germany
191 Railway Viaduct at Arnsburg, Germany
192 Deurag-Nerag Refineries, Misburg, Germany
193 Fire Raids on Germany Cities
194.1 IG Farbenindustrie, Ludwigshafen, Germany Vol. 1
194.2 IG Farbenindustrie, Ludwigshafen, Germany Vol. 2
195 Roundhouse in Marshalling Yard, Ulm, Germany
196 IG Farbenindustrie, Leverkusen, Germany
197 Chemische-Werke, Huels, Germany
198 Gremberg Marshalling Yard, Gremberg, Germany
199 Locomotive Shops and Bridges at Hamm, Germany