Incentivising Bombing Precision

I'm trying topick-up the mission building bug and I'm working on something at the moment, and I'm trying to think of ways to encourage the pilot to get the bombs dead on and to avoid civilian casualties.

I figured the best way to do this would be to have the enemy buildings/vehicles in (for example) an industrial area which for arguments sake is our designated target. If the industrial area is on the outskirts of a town, I thought a good way to try and keep the bombs out the town would be to put friendly buses and such in there. That way if you bomb too wide, you get friendly kills against your profile.

One teeny weeny problem. The enemy artillery sees them as a threat and shoots at them. Is there a way around this or is there another way to incentivise precision bombing?



would blocking the line of sight between the arty and freindly targets have any effect??

Possibly. My concern is though that to create flak thick enough that you could get out the plane walk on it, I'm going to need a hell of a lot of artillery. In the however long it takes to fly to your mission target, the gunners would probably have leveled whatever building was shielding the friendlies and rendered it pointless.

I'll do some investigating but if anyone has any other ideas in the meantime, I'm very interested to hear them out.

Quote:My concern is though that to create flak thick enough that you could get out the plane walk on it

becareful, too much can be a real FPS killer.

the AI will target the nearest enemy even if there is a hill in the LOS. this may casue the flak to not look up and shoot the real threat.

Thanks, I'll bear it in mind.

I'm kinda hoping that my PC is probably one of the least powerful on these boards at the moment since we never have enough money for staying up to date with our computers. I'm my rig can take it, I'm hoping everybody elses can... But we'll wait and see on that one.

Regarding the friendly targets... I thought it might have been a long shot but figured it was worth asking anyway. Thanks chaps.


StargazerWoods Wrote:My concern is though that to create flak thick enough that you could get out the plane walk on it, I'm going to need a hell of a lot of artillery....

Buffy's flak mod solves that iddue and you get to keep the FPS. Wink

Putting AAA in the trench/gunpit objects usually prevents them firing horizontally.

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