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Flying with Gear Out for I-153

In another post a knowledgeable member on the Spanish Civil War commented on the I-153 '

-Chaikas should be flown with landing gear downed to match as possible the I-15, so Chaikas never flown in SCW. '

Now that is a good idea and I will take it to heart when flying one myself.

But now here's the thing. While I can keep my landing gear extended in flight, my wingmen won't and certainly neither will AI controlled I-153's, enemy or friendly.

So my question is: would it be possible to create a mod that makes or allows all AI controlled aircraft in a mission to fly with extended gear?

It would be nice to have an I-15 in game,

+1 for this one!

shouldn't even be hard to do

Gear down flight charicteristics of the I-153 don't match the I-15 in any way though.
Probably better to stick with the stock Chaikas for now...

What's that about the I-15?

[Image: n606415288_2739005_619928.jpg]

Where did you get this one from? Just the thing many members are looking for ... if you could share we would all be grateful ...

Where can we get the Chato mod?

yes, we need to know Tongue

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